eSSIF-Lab architecture

The eSSIF-Lab framework has an architecture which is further developed during the project. We expect the subgrantees to form a business ecosystem together under eSSIF-Lab supervision. The emphasis is on interoperability, i.e. development and implementation of standardized protocols, data models and API’s, including contributing to standardization and performing of interoperability tests.

This means that all eSSIF-Lab open calls are directly related to the eSSIF-Lab architecture, see Figure 1 below. This architecture will remain work in progress during the whole eSSIF-Lab project in 2020-2022.

eSSIF-Lab Architecture

Figure 1: eSSIF-Lab architecture

Figure 1 is explained in more detail in the (living) document “eSSIF-Lab Vision and Functional Architecture”. It sketches the relationship between the Infrastructure Open Call (which focuses on the SSI Roles Layer -green bar-) and the Business Open Calls (which focuses on the Business Transaction Layers (red bar – everything above the yellow ESSIF ‘Glue’-).