eSSIF-Lab Governance
This page has been moved to the eSSIF-Lab Framework on Github.
The eSSIF-Lab functional architecture identifies and describes a variety of generic SSI functions (capabilities), such as holder, verifier, issuer, wallet, and more. An actor that can provide such (generic) capabilities can only actually provide them for a party if it knows how to to comply with the rules, working-instructions, preferences and other guidance of that party.
Governance is the process by which parties decide how to make decisions, how actors that work on their behalf are to behave and operate, and ensure this guidance ends up in some document which we will call a policy.
Governance processes and Policies
Within the context of eSSIF-Lab, pretty much every function/capability that is defined also mentions a corresponding (digital) policy that is the place where rules, working-instructions, preferences and other guidance (e.g. preferences) are expected to be specified for the correct functioning of a technical component that may provide such a capability.
The structure of these digital policies depends on the design of the technical component, as different kinds of technical components that (still) implement the same capability may have limitations or additional features regarding that capability.
It is the intention of eSSIF-Lab, however, to at least state some minimal requirements for the policies of various functionalities.